An in-person day retreat experience to help you
connect with yourself and design the life that is right for you!
Join us November 14-15-16, 2023 (day only)
in Estoril, Portugal to work on the
most important project of your life - YOU!
What do you want to do next with your one and only precious life?
You are in a time of transition and feel the need to refocus and relaunch the next phase of our life?
You don't have time and space to take another course Or go away on a getaway-from-it-all retreat?
Yet you would like to design your life with the support of tools and practices that are effective and proven?
Welcome to DESIGN YOUR LIFE - Urban Retreat style!
Many of our friends and clients often feel stuck and unsure about how to change their lives.
It seems the nudge we experience to change something is often matched with uncertainty.
What exactly do I want to change?
How do I start?
Is it even a good idea?
We have been there!
We're excited to share our favorite Life Design tools to help you
take powerful, effective yet simple steps towards a joyful a
and meaningful life that is right for YOU.
We will help you figure out what you want to do next, who you want to grow into and break it all down into small, actionable steps.
Join us for the Design Your Life Urban Retreat in Estoril, off the luxurious beaches and cliffs of Cascais, Portugal.
It is a perfect chance to start writing your next chapter on your own terms supported by like-minded fellow travelers on a similar journey as yours.
You are in a life transition either entering the workforce, returning after maternity, considering a change in career or planning an encore career.
You seem to have it all, financial stability, success, family and yet feel something is missing.
You have daily responsibilities and can’t just run off an Eat, Pray, Love journey yet understand the importance to reset and relaunch.
You are not entirely sure what your passion is and would like to find motivation in what you are doing.
You have experienced life events and pivotal moments that are challenging and make you reconsider the next phase of your life.
You would like to do things differently or improve certain aspects of your life but are unsure where to start.
Our retreats are designed in a group coaching workshop style for 9H to 17H. You can still enjoy free time in the evenings, or drop the kids off at school and have diner with them, while still be supported by likeminded members of the community on a similar journey as yours working on the most important design project of all – YOU!
Clarity regarding where you are right now and how to know you are going in the right direction for balance and energy.
Insights on the role of your ego, subconscious and awareness in how they are keeping you stuck.
A better understanding of what gives you energy, what excites you and what doesn’t.
A new way to look at the roles you've had and understand which roles suit you best.
Learning how to challenge and reframe beliefs and reframe problem that are keeping you from moving forward.
Prototyping and testing out your ideas.
Practices to get you unstuck and move forward in unlocking your full potential, your wellbeing and self-leadership.
Practices to be and remain in the driver’s seat of your life.
Clarity on your inner compass and how to use it to guide your decisions.
Insights on how to tap into all ways of knowing to sharpen you decision making skills.
Create three potential futures to explore that align with your current values and interests.
What else
A community of like minded people to support your life design through conversations, sharing ideas and providing feedback.
Guidance and encouragement to actually start building a life you will love living
Renewed honor in your relationship with yourself by respecting and trusting your own inner voice.
The ability and space to reprogram and refocus your mind, body, and spirit to catapult you to renewed purpose and success
A shift from accepting life as “the way it is” to how it can be to make your dream life possible.
Tools, ideas and framework to use to continue your life design prototyping journey.
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."
Maya Angelou
This retreat is a group coaching workshop blending design thinking, peer coaching and working with the energetic and subconscious mind.
Our urban retreat program is roughly described in the attached download below - expect no day to be the same!
We designed a unique balanced program for your Body, Mind, and Soul, that will work on the physical, mental and spiritual planes simultaneously.
You will do all this in a fast-paced collaborative community of men and women helping one another design a unique journey toward a well-lived, meaningful life for YOU.
This Urban Retreat is a group coaching experience to Reset and Relaunch - learning and practicing ideas and tools contained in the NYT bestselling Designing Your Life, How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life. Also, concepts and exercises for inner exploration guided by conscious living and leading practices essential to thrive in our fast past ever changing current reality will be experienced.
We will exercise both our subtle, energetic subconscious body through yoga and meditation practices, and our conscious mind through group coaching and cognitive practices. With practical tools and hands-on support you will build your way towards a well-designed life that enables you to reconnect with yourself and flourish in your work and life.
The most exclusive part of this retreat is You, though. The YOU that has the courage to act and grow. We will simply guide and support you on this journey!
''To be great, be whole; Exclude nothing, exaggerate nothing that is not you. Be whole in everything. Put all you are into the smallest thing you do. So, in each lake, the moon shines with splendor because it blooms up above.''
- Fernando Pessoa
Create Your Life Retreat will take place in a zen studio in Estoril, located 20 minutes north of Lisbon, Portugal.
The private villa is located within a 10 minute walk to the beach and train station, and a 30 minutes drive from downtown Lisbon. Approximately a 30 min drive from the Lisbon Airport (transfer is NOT included in the price).
Each day during Create Your Future Urban Retreats, a fresh and vibrant brunch and beverages will be served. Local produce and healthy nourishment, resetting you from the inside out.
Each day we will set the tone and build a container for creativity and inner exploration. Beginning with a 45-minute yoga session designed to unlock your energy and flow followed by 15-minutes of meditation. This is designed to leverage brainwave entrainment and prepare our subconscious to a place of calm, receptive to build new neuropathways for creativity. The coaching circle will offer time to regroup and connect to set individual and collective intentions.
'''Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.''
Steve Jobs
November 14,15,16 2023
9H to 17H
All individuals interested in taking a mid week/month/year pause implementing practical tools and practices to design your life with a fresh framework that adds to the flow of life, never against it.
Pink House Studio Estoril, R. Inglaterra 197 A, 2765-231 Estoril, Portugal
324€ 3 days including brunch, snacks and beverages. Workbook, Yoga mats and props provided. Post retreat 6 week journey with tools, practices included