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Winter Solstice 2023: Meditation and Journaling Practices

Writer's picture: Shannon Le MintierShannon Le Mintier

Updated: Jun 17, 2024

Also known as Blue Christmas and Yule in other cultures, Winter Solstice is the shortest day of light in the calendar year in the Northern Hemisphere as the Earth's axis is tilted as far away from the sun.

The word solstice comes from the Latin sol “sun,” and sistere “to stand still.” In a general translation, it means “sun stands still.” The Sun’s path across the sky seems to freeze for these days before and after the solstice. The change in noontime elevation is so slight that the Sun’s path seems to stay the same or stand still.

Carve time out to “stand still” using these meditation and journaling practices on this longest day of darkness and into your new year ahead:


Soak in these words during meditation using soothing music via the Spotify link below, taking time to embrace the shift in seasons and what the new light offers, letting go of what no longer serves you:

  • Retreat

  • Contemplate

  • Replenish


Use ”glimmer” prompts as a daily journaling practice before your day starts and at the end of each day over the next few weeks. Notice what is sparked in the light of the new days ahead.

  • glimmers are the opposite of triggers.

  • they are tiny moments of awe.

  • they spark joy & evoke inner calm.

  • they have a positive effect on our mental health.

  • they are micro-moments causing tiny mood shifts.

  • they send cues of safety to your nervous system.

  • they bring feelings of ease & contentment.

  • your body responds with positive energy.

  • they allow you to feel hope when lost.

  • your nervous system is strengthened by them.

  • they can help increase your well-being.

  • once you start embracing them it can become a beautiful way to see the world around you.

“The meaning of the Danish term Hygge...represents coziness as a kind of mindful practice, a turning towards homely comfort to console us against the harshness of the world outside. I am currently burrowing into a Hygge life full of candles and tea, judicious quantities of cake, warm jumpers, chunky socks, plenty of time snuggling alone by a lit fire.” ~Katherine May, Wintering

Cheers to your “wintering” experience and blooming ahead!

Yours in Health,

(Credits to amazing humans who sparked inspiration in my practice today to create this for you -  @h.e.l.e.n.m.a.r.i.e and @jolene_park @sonicyogi)

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